Hi Guys,
Ed Watson has done some trojan work on modifying the PIREP system to allow us to have the multi-airport hub that we wanted
You now have assignments and routes available from Heathrow and London City. Stansted will follow very soon. You can access the routes by updating you entries in the "About Me" menu. By selecting Heathrow, London City or Gatwick in the drop down menus you will get routes based on these airports. Please remember that you will need to press the submit button at the bottom to make the changes active. Your assignments will be reset each time you "submit" from this screen.
NB Each route assignment is allocated to a single individual pilot. If we all set our assignments to the maximum of "5", then it is possible for the system to run out of routes. It is rarely necessary to have more than 2-3 assignments allocated for each category, so if you are resetting your assignments could you please set no more than 3. Thank you. Please feel free to move around the Hub airports, and you are now able to use these airports as your base, and then change again later.
At present we have retained our current fleet of aircraft, and some have been moved to Heathrow and City ready for these changes.
Personally I think this is a great set-up and these changes enhance it further. Many thanks go to Ed Watson for all he does for us. Also our thanks to Bob Mumford and Tony Hoskin for all their work in modifying and producing these routes, also to Mal Blease for allowing us to use the original routes from Heathrow. Believe me there was a huge amount of time spent on updating Mick Kreiner's routes at Gatwick and London City.
Finally, John Mckeon and I are not able to get International flight assignments at present
This may be due to the problems outlined above. If anyone else is having similar problems then please let me know.